Recent exchange rates

This page aggregates all the exchange rates published by the Central Banks covered by foxer in the last 10 days. Please, keep in mind that weekends are usually non working days for many of these institutions. Also local holidays or procedural delays may result in missing days, as you can check on every Central Bank page.

Values and percentage of variation

In the tables below, values of each currency pair are given in the form Base Currency / Quote Currency and compared with previous value to provide a % of variation. If you are not familiar with these concepts, you can refer to this article that explains the definitions of base currency and quote currency.

Base Currency
The base currency is the first currency listed in a currency pair. It is the currency that is being bought or sold. For example, in the EUR/USD currency pair, the euro (EUR) is the base currency.

Quote Currency
The quote currency is the second currency listed in a currency pair. It is used to determine the value of the base currency. For example, in the EUR/USD currency pair, the US dollar (USD) is the quote currency.

Following this rule, if the current value is higher than the previous one, that means the Base Currency is appreciating, because you need more of Quote Currency to buy the same 1 Base Currency, so the color is green.

In the oposite, if current value is less than previous that means that the Base Currency is getting depreciated, because you need less of Quote Currency to buy the same 1 Base Currency, and so the color is red.

recent exchange rates

Recent exchange rates time series remarks

This page is powered by foxer Business Edition. The exchange rates provided here are the representation of the reference values published by each of the Central Banks.

If you need more historical series, you can just download foxer.

Bank Of Canada

Recent time series for the Canadian Dollar. Values are in the form Currency units per 1 CAD. JPY (100).

2024-11-120.71715 0.67577 0.56205 1.09745 0.63263 110.86475 4.14079 12.99376 5.18672 70.42254
2024-11-140.71291 (-0.595%)0.67568 (-0.014%)0.56183 (-0.039%)1.10169 (0.384%)0.63343 (0.127%)111.11111 (0.222%)4.12201 (-0.455%)13.00728 (0.104%)5.15464 (-0.622%)70.92199 (0.704%)
2024-11-150.71028 (-0.968%)0.67354 (-0.331%)0.56237 (0.056%)1.09963 (0.198%)0.63056 (-0.329%)109.89011 (-0.887%)4.11692 (-0.580%)12.93494 (-0.455%)5.13611 (-0.985%)70.92199 (0.704%)
Difference-0.00688 (-0.959%)-0.00223 (-0.330%)0.00032 (0.056%)0.00217 (0.198%)-0.00207 (-0.328%)-0.97464 (-0.879%)-0.02387 (-0.576%)-0.05883 (-0.453%)-0.05061 (-0.976%)0.49945 (0.709%)

Banco Central do Brasil

Recent time series for the Brazilian Real. Values are in the form Currency units per 1 BRL. JPY (100).

2024-11-080.17348 0.16139 0.13408 0.26282 0.24109 0.15154 26.44104 3.04739 1.24533 16.90474
2024-11-110.17248 (-0.576%)0.16201 (0.379%)0.13402 (-0.040%)0.26255 (-0.104%)0.24028 (-0.338%)0.15178 (0.155%)26.53576 (0.357%)3.09837 (1.646%)1.24448 (-0.068%)16.86767 (-0.220%)
2024-11-120.17334 (-0.080%)0.16338 (1.215%)0.13581 (1.274%)0.26494 (0.800%)0.24164 (0.229%)0.15294 (0.913%)26.78452 (1.282%)3.14169 (3.002%)1.25368 (0.666%)17.03142 (0.744%)
2024-11-130.17328 (-0.113%)0.16366 (1.383%)0.13618 (1.543%)0.26661 (1.419%)0.24208 (0.410%)0.15308 (1.004%)26.85645 (1.547%)3.15308 (3.352%)1.25203 (0.535%)17.06922 (0.964%)
2024-11-140.17277 (-0.411%)0.16338 (1.215%)0.13596 (1.382%)0.26655 (1.400%)0.24209 (0.412%)0.15334 (1.173%)26.94328 (1.864%)3.14713 (3.169%)1.24906 (0.299%)17.19099 (1.665%)
Difference-0.00071 (-0.409%)0.00199 (1.230%)0.00188 (1.401%)0.00373 (1.419%)0.00100 (0.414%)0.00180 (1.187%)0.50225 (1.900%)0.09974 (3.273%)0.00373 (0.300%)0.28625 (1.693%)

Bank of china

Recent time series for the Chinese Yuan. Values are in the form Currency units per 1 CNY. JPY (100).

2024-11-120.13903 0.13048 0.10806 0.21150 0.19363 0.12244 21.36296 0.79789 2.49252 13.33333
2024-11-130.13891 (-0.089%)0.13008 (-0.305%)0.10844 (0.350%)0.21163 (0.061%)0.19262 (-0.525%)0.12184 (-0.487%)21.34882 (-0.066%)0.79460 (-0.415%)2.50125 (0.349%)13.58696 (1.867%)
2024-11-180.13907 (0.028%)0.13153 (0.799%)0.10984 (1.628%)0.21435 (1.332%)0.19505 (0.726%)0.12317 (0.593%)21.39587 (0.154%)0.80109 (0.399%)2.52143 (1.147%)13.83126 (3.600%)
Difference0.00004 (0.028%)0.00105 (0.805%)0.00179 (1.655%)0.00286 (1.350%)0.00142 (0.731%)0.00073 (0.596%)0.03291 (0.154%)0.00320 (0.401%)0.02891 (1.160%)0.49793 (3.734%)

Bank of England

Recent time series for the British Pound. Values are in the form Currency units per 1 GBP. JPY (100).

2024-11-080.00000 1.20370 1.96040 1.79810 1.13020 197.21510 22.72350 9.30870
2024-11-110.00000 1.20870 (0.414%)1.95900 (-0.071%)1.79280 (-0.296%)1.13240 (0.194%)198.01660 (0.405%)23.11670 (1.701%)9.30690 (-0.019%)
2024-11-120.00000 1.20300 (-0.058%)1.95090 (-0.487%)1.77930 (-1.057%)1.12610 (-0.364%)197.22800 (0.007%)23.13350 (1.772%)9.24980 (-0.637%)
2024-11-130.00000 1.20170 (-0.166%)1.95780 (-0.133%)1.77770 (-1.148%)1.12410 (-0.543%)197.21069 (-0.002%)23.11120 (1.678%)9.21010 (-1.071%)
2024-11-140.00000 1.20160 (-0.175%)1.96090 (0.025%)1.78060 (-0.983%)1.12790 (-0.204%)198.17979 (0.487%)23.14900 (1.838%)9.20160 (-1.164%)
Difference0.00000 -0.00210 (-0.174%)0.00050 (0.026%)-0.01750 (-0.973%)-0.00230 (-0.204%)0.96469 (0.489%)0.42550 (1.873%)-0.10710 (-1.151%)

Central Bank of Russia

Recent time series for the Russian Ruble. Values are in the form Currency units per 1 RUB.

2024-11-120.01021 0.00954 0.01548 0.01420 0.05885 0.07379
2024-11-130.01021 (-0.001%)0.00959 (0.571%)0.01557 (0.590%)0.01420 (-0.001%)0.05919 (0.572%)0.07410 (0.420%)
2024-11-140.01017 (-0.419%)0.00959 (0.536%)0.01555 (0.449%)0.01418 (-0.196%)0.05865 (-0.339%)0.07354 (-0.339%)
2024-11-150.01010 (-1.085%)0.00957 (0.334%)0.01561 (0.800%)0.01412 (-0.601%)0.05828 (-0.972%)0.07321 (-0.794%)
2024-11-160.01000 (-2.085%)0.00946 (-0.815%)0.01547 (-0.103%)0.01403 (-1.255%)0.05788 (-1.667%)0.07247 (-1.824%)
Difference-0.00021 (-2.042%)-0.00008 (-0.809%)-0.00002 (-0.103%)-0.00018 (-1.239%)-0.00096 (-1.639%)-0.00132 (-1.791%)

European Central Bank

Recent time series for the European Euro. Values are in the form Currency units per 1 EUR. JPY (100).

2024-11-111.06510 0.82680 1.61860 1.48480 0.93690 163.82001 6.18770 19.01710 7.67190
2024-11-131.06290 (-0.207%)0.83413 (0.879%)1.62990 (0.693%)1.48400 (-0.054%)0.93790 (0.107%)164.71001 (0.540%)6.10310 (-1.386%)19.14060 (0.645%)7.66260 (-0.121%)
2024-11-151.05830 (-0.643%)0.83455 (0.929%)1.63450 (0.973%)1.48610 (0.087%)0.93890 (0.213%)164.36000 (0.329%)6.13350 (-0.884%)19.23530 (1.134%)7.64920 (-0.297%)
Difference-0.00680 (-0.638%)0.00775 (0.937%)0.01590 (0.982%)0.00130 (0.088%)0.00200 (0.213%)0.53999 (0.330%)-0.05420 (-0.876%)0.21820 (1.147%)-0.02270 (-0.296%)

Federal Reserve

Recent time series for the US Dollar. Values are in the form Currency units per 1 USD. JPY (100).

2024-11-040.91878 0.77268 1.51883 1.38980 0.86320 152.02000 5.77070 17.55260 7.09950
2024-11-050.91575 (-0.331%)0.76834 (-0.564%)1.50761 (-0.744%)1.38500 (-0.347%)0.86350 (0.035%)151.96001 (-0.039%)5.77200 (0.023%)17.42830 (-0.713%)7.10470 (0.073%)
2024-11-060.93179 (1.397%)0.77537 (0.348%)1.52138 (0.167%)1.39290 (0.223%)0.87610 (1.472%)154.58000 (1.656%)5.70430 (-1.164%)17.62430 (0.407%)7.17820 (1.096%)
2024-11-070.92661 (0.845%)0.77012 (-0.332%)1.49903 (-1.321%)1.38660 (-0.231%)0.87240 (1.055%)153.13000 (0.725%)5.70280 (-1.191%)17.32110 (-1.337%)7.14120 (0.584%)
2024-11-080.93371 (1.599%)0.77489 (0.286%)1.52138 (0.167%)1.39210 (0.165%)0.87550 (1.405%)152.58000 (0.367%)5.78130 (0.183%)17.57490 (0.127%)7.17850 (1.101%)
Difference0.01493 (1.625%)0.00222 (0.287%)0.00254 (0.167%)0.00230 (0.165%)0.01230 (1.425%)0.56000 (0.368%)0.01060 (0.184%)0.02230 (0.127%)0.07900 (1.113%)

Reserve Bank of Australia

Recent time series for the Australian Dollar. Values are in the form Currency units per 1 AUD. JPY (100).

2024-11-120.65550 0.61580 0.51030 0.00000 100.63000 4.74020
2024-11-130.65370 (-0.275%)0.61560 (-0.032%)0.51290 (0.507%)0.00000 101.23000 (0.593%)4.72200 (-0.385%)
2024-11-150.64660 (-1.376%)0.61340 (-0.391%)0.51010 (-0.039%)0.00000 101.10000 (0.465%)4.67720 (-1.347%)
2024-11-180.64720 (-1.282%)0.61400 (-0.293%)0.51230 (0.390%)0.00000 100.08000 (-0.550%)4.68330 (-1.215%)
Difference-0.00830 (-1.266%)-0.00180 (-0.292%)0.00200 (0.392%)0.00000 -0.55000 (-0.547%)-0.05690 (-1.200%)

South Africa Reserve Bank

Recent time series for the South African Rand. Values are in the form Currency units per 1 ZAR. JPY (100).

2024-11-120.05526 0.05202 0.04318 0.08450 0.07710 0.04870 8.50750 0.31800 0.40010 5.41320
2024-11-130.05523 (-0.054%)0.05209 (0.120%)0.04335 (0.407%)0.08470 (0.236%)0.07710 0.04880 (0.205%)8.56690 (0.693%)0.31750 (-0.157%)0.39900 (-0.276%)5.41310 (-0.002%)
2024-11-150.05484 (-0.770%)0.05192 (-0.206%)0.04329 (0.269%)0.08490 (0.471%)0.07710 0.04870 8.53350 (0.305%)0.31750 (-0.157%)0.39650 (-0.908%)5.48970 (1.394%)
2024-11-180.05515 (-0.193%)0.05229 (0.510%)0.04370 (1.201%)0.08540 (1.054%)0.07770 (0.772%)0.04890 (0.409%)8.53580 (0.332%)0.31960 (0.501%)0.39960 (-0.125%)5.51040 (1.764%)
Difference-0.00011 (-0.192%)0.00027 (0.512%)0.00052 (1.215%)0.00090 (1.065%)0.00060 (0.778%)0.00020 (0.411%)0.02830 (0.333%)0.00160 (0.503%)-0.00050 (-0.125%)0.09720 (1.796%)

Swiss National Bank

Recent time series for the Switzerland Franc. Values are in the form Currency units per 1 CHF. JPY (100).

2024-11-121.15996 1.06508 0.89381 176.52251
2024-11-131.14403 (-1.392%)1.06349 (-0.149%)0.88645 (-0.831%)176.11835 (-0.229%)
2024-11-151.14705 (-1.125%)1.06440 (-0.064%)0.88519 (-0.974%)174.70300 (-1.041%)
Difference-0.01291 (-1.113%)-0.00068 (-0.064%)-0.00862 (-0.965%)-1.81950 (-1.031%)